Journal, News

The Curfew cont.

No cabbies would pick us up and we were at least a 25 minute ride from our hotel. Then the guys with us noticed a police vehicle patrolling to make sure everyone followed the curfew. So Alfredo “badass” DeLara (cameraman) waves them down and tells them we´re stuck without a ride home and that we´re international press. They say, “It´s a shame, our tank is empty or else we´d give you a ride.” Translation: happy to give you a ride, and by the way, where is my bribe?”

It was a bit scary because I started imagining these types of rides in police vehicles during the times of repressive governments and how people simply disappeared once they — either willingly or by force — got into a car with police. We made it back safely, and they left 200 Lempiras richer.