General, Journal, News

Alright, move on, nothing to see here, disperse… …

If you’ve seen Naked Gun you’ll recall the scene where Frank Drummond (Leslie Nielsen) comes upon a massive car crash complete with fireworks gets in front of the gathering crowd and says, “Alright, move on, nothing to see here…” as the cars are exploding behind him. That’s what the Obama Administration is doing here in Honduras. It’s not as flashy as exploding cars, actually just the opposite. They are intimidating people who are resisting the de facto government and shooting at their house, or kidnapping them and beating them or rounding up people and throwing them in jail. Last night they shot a man through a windshield after his car accidentally hit a barricade. He wasn’t even a protester nor did he have ties to them. He’s in critical condition as of this writing but it’s doubtful he will survive. These events matter little back in the states and even here. The family members cry but what is their recourse when they face the military?

The Washington Post wrote an op-ed piece today that could have been written by Lanny Davis. I wonder if anyone on the editorial board or Lanny Davis himself could even find Honduras on the map or know that it’s in Latin America. Yet they see fit to opine and explain what they think is best for Honduras, a place they’ve never seen. But, I guess it doesn’t matter because there’s nothing to see here anyway, move along.