

Sierra Club SF Chapter: Are Bay Area reps helping Honduras get away with murder?

Last June investigative journalist John Gibler wrote a comprehensive and disconcerting story about the assassination of my aunt Berta Cáceres, titled “Under the Gun: An Investigation Into the Murder of Berta Cáceres.” Bertita, as she was known to her friends and family, was a vibrant Honduran woman who was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in

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General, Journal, News

The Negotiations

So on Tuesday we get word we have to be in Costa Rica the next day. We were driving back from the funeral of the boy who had been shot. The entire town of 400 people came out for the funeral in the little village in the mountains about 3 hours from the Honduran capitol

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Journal, News

11 minutes of tear gas and gunfire

We expected today to be a busy one. Zelaya claimed he was returning and large protests in support of Zelaya and against the coup were planned. Alfredo and I gathered our things and headed to meet the protestors from the start. We were there to support the other two reporters who were doing liveshots from

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